Fitzcarraldo Editions Archive: Sheila Heti in conversation with Juliet Jacques


Sheila Heti, author of Alphabetical DiariesPure ColourMotherhood and How Should a Person Be?, among other works, speaks to writer, journalist, filmmaker Juliet Jacques, whose published works include MonacoVariations and Trans: A Memoir, about her writing to date. The discussion touches on revealing the hidden face of the self in writing, taking contemporary culture seriously as subject matter, the possibility of capturing ‘the spirit of the age’ in a time of fragmentation, and the unconscious processes that shape our lives. Listen here.

Below for reading list of the books mentioned in the episode:

Eunoia by Christian Bök (2001)
Diaries 1920-22 by Bertold Brecht, tr. John Willett (1980)
Soliloquy by Kenneth Goldsmith (1997)
The Connecting Door by Rayner Heppenstall (1962)
Christie Malry’s Own Double-Entry by B.S Johnson (1973)
The Diary of Anaïs Nin by Anaïs Nin (1966)
Exercises in Style by Raymond Queneau, tr. Barbara Wright (1958)
Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne, tr. and ed. Michael Glencross (2004)

Recorded at Young Space in May 2024. Edited by Frankie Wells. Music composed by Kwes Darko.